Managing an electrical power system and the energy it delivers demands a comprehensive understanding of the system’s normal and abnormal operation. We are equipped with all the necessary tools and ready to assist you with your power system study and assessment needs.
Power System Assessment
Whether done as a stand-alone service or as part of an upgrade design project, the power system assessment identifies the key power quality and reliability issues and code compliance concerns in your facility. The process starts with a walk through and collection of data. Findings are analyzed and entered into power system analysis software for further processing and recommendations.
Coordination Studies
The goal of a coordination study is to provide power equipment with the required protection while selecting appropriate settings for overcurrent protective devices to insure minimum service interruption under overload and short circuit conditions. The output of the study is a set of time current coordination graphs which demonstrate optimal settings for circuit breakers and relays. EDEC engineers have many years of experience in protection engineering and will help minimize your electrical system’s downtime, nuisance operation and equipment damage.
Short Circuit Studies
The goal of a short circuit study is to increase the electrical system’s life and minimize downtime associated with a short circuit occurrence. The output of the study is a comparison table which compares the short circuit levels with the published ratings of the equipment. Recommendations are provided to economically correct system deficiencies.
Arc Flash Analysis
An arc flash hazard analysis is a required and integral component to any facility’s electrical worker safety program. The purpose of the analysis is to quantify the arc flash hazards present. Recommendations are provided for proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure safe work practices. EDEC engineers utilize the protective device settings to reduce arc flash energies, or recommend engineered mitigation solutions, to reduce the arc flash hazard at equipment locations where the incident energy exceeds available PPE, or where the energy levels are unacceptable to the facility’s operations.
Harmonic Studies
With the proliferation of power electronic equipment, harmonic sources are now a large percentage of the total facility load. Therefore, harmonic studies are necessary to assure proper system loading and avoid malfunction of sensitive electronics. Equipped with all the necessary measurement and analysis tools, EDEC engineers can help you resolve any harmonic related problem in your facility.